Picking Cobot

Picking Cobot

The Picking Cobot is an innovative and autonomous articulated arm that is mounted on an electric pallet truck.
It can handle all types of items, up to 50 or 100 kg depending on the version. It is autonomous in electrical power and vacuum.

This innovative robot picker offers an ergonomic solution for order picking and packing.
It is perfect for handling parts stored in racks and under rails, eliminating the physical strain caused by overhead work. The design featuring two rotary joints ensures minimal strain on users, enabling them to focus on their tasks.

The Picking Cobot provides versatility through its interchangeable grippers, which can be easily attached at the end of the arm based on the specific load requirements. It facilitates secure and streamlined handling operations, helping reduce musculoskeletal disorders while maintaining high productivity levels.

It is compatible with various electric pallet trucks and gripper options, including suction cups, clamp grippers, hooks and forks, further enhancing its functionality.

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MAP001 – Picking Cobot 50kg

Thanks to its two rotary joints, the picking cobot features extremely fluid horizontal movements…

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MAP002 – Picking Cobot 100kg

Thanks to its two rotary joints, the picking cobot features extremely fluid horizontal movements…

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