Contact us

Would you like a sales representative to contact you ? Would you like to arrange a test or demonstration?

Feel free to submit your project requests or contact us without any hesitation.
Neoditech 56 Rue de la Folle Blanche
Z.A. des 4 Chemins

+33 (0) 2 40 46 15 71

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    The information collected through the website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”),is intended to be processed by Neoditech, the data controller, for the purpose of handling your information request.

    Information marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms is required to process your requests. In accordance with the personal data protection regulations, you have the following rights:

    • The right of access, rectification and portability of your personal data ;

    • The right to restrict, delete, and object for legitimate reasons to the processing of your data ;

    • The option to send us instructions regarding the fate of your data (retention, deletion, communication to a third party, etc.) in the event of your death ;

    You can exercise these rights by writing to the following email address: However, your objection may, in practice and depending on the circumstances, affect your information request.

    You also have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés), the French Data Protection Authority.

    For more information regarding this processing, we refer you to our general terms.

    NEODITECH, European market leader in cobot manipulators


    Romane SCHWANDER


    +33 2 40 46 15 71

    Benelux Partner

    +352 20 40 40 68-1

    Mourad ELAKEL

    North West France Region

    +33 2 40 46 15 71


    Eastern France Region

    +33 2 40 46 15 71

    Antoine BAUDRY

    Western France Region

    +33 2 40 46 15 71

    Benoit LEPIOUFF

    Sales Manager France

    +33 2 40 46 15 71

    Louis-Charles LEROUX

    Northern France Region

    +33 2 40 46 15 71