General context : a logistics challenge at U LOG
Christophe Sablonnières, U LOG operations manager, highlights the difficulties encountered by his logistics teams. Prior to the arrival of the NEODITECH Picking Cobot, two people were needed to move some household appliances due to their weight. This work in pairs not only reduced the efficiency of operations, but it also imposed important physical constraints to the exclusively men workers. Carrying heavy loads had become an undeniable problem, restricting versatility and increasing the risks of injury.
« Formerly, two people worked in pairs to prepare household appliances references. The main constraint was the weight, with some devices weighing up to 80kg, which meant that only men could operate on this sector. The priority was to relieve the carrying of loads burden, even though it was at the expense of pace. »
The stakes of picking in logistics
Picking is a key step in the supply chain. It consists in selecting and preparing items to be shipped according to orders. The efficiency of this process has a direct impact on warehouse productivity. However, picking presents specific challenges, especially when heavy loads are involved.
The mistakes made during order picking can lead to delivery delays and customer dissatisfaction. Moreover, the repetitive and physically demanding work in picking increases the risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and work-related accidents (WRAs).
Picking and optimizing logistics flows
In a warehouse, optimizing logistics flows is essential to guarantee short lead times and efficient inventory management. The optimized picking solutions, such as NEODITECH’s Picking Cobot, not only reduce the drudgery of work, but also improve productivity by limiting picking mistakes.
The constraints of handling heavy loads in warehouses
Handling heavy loads in logistics presents numerous risks. Staff is regularly exposed to situations in which repetitive lifting of heavy parts, such as household appliances or furniture, can lead to injuries, particularly MSDs.
Impacts on workers : tiredness and injuries
Warehouses are often the scene of incidents linked to excessive loads handling. Studies show that tasks requiring extended physical efforts, combined with an often stressful environment, provoke increased fatigue, musculoskeletal pain and, in the worst case, work accidents.
Heavy loads handling contributes to workers physical overload, with negative impacts on their long-term health. Back and shoulders pain are the most common injuries in this type of environment.
NEODITECH solution : the Picking Cobot to lighten loads handling
In response to these constraints, NEODITECH has designed an innovative tool : the Picking Cobot. This solution is specifically meant to ease heavy loads handling, therefore enabling employees to carry out their tasks in a safer and more ergonomic way. The MAP Cobot reduces the physical efforts required to move bulky and heavy appliances, such as washing machines or fridges, while ensuring fast and accurate handling.
Technological innovation : characteristics and benefits
Our ergonomic device has several characteristics that make it an unmissable solution for warehouses :
- High lifting capacity: it can handle loads up to 100kg, making it easier to move heavy objects.
- Improved ergonomics: the tool is designed to reduce physical efforts for operators, thus minimizing the risks of injury.
- Easy to use: thanks to an intuitive interface, operators can rapidly get familiar with the cobot, optimizing order picking times.
The co-development of this solution with U LOG has helped to adapt it perfectly to the company’s needs. Working in close collaboration with the on-site teams, NEODITECH has designed a tool which improves both operators safety and warehouse productivity.
Importance of well-being at work in logistics
In logistics, the well being of employees has become a central issue. Companies investing in ergonomic solutions, such as the Picking Cobot, not only notice improved working conditions, but also a drop in absenteeism and sick leaves.
Reduced drudgery
NEODITECH’s Picking Cobot helps reducing tasks’ strenuousness, in particular those involving lifting and moving heavy loads. This reduction of strenuousness translates into greater comfort at work for operators, fewer injuries and greater satisfaction at work.
« The NEODITECH solution has unquestionably improved comfort at work and we can now include female staff into the area. »
Gaëtan Pineau, logistics manager U LOG
Concrete benefits for U LOG thanks to NEODITECH’s MAP Cobot
The Picking Cobot has brought significant improvements within U LOG, as the managers of the company testify :
Decreased strenuousness
With the installation of the Picking Cobot, the constraint associated with carrying heavy loads has considerably been reduced. Operators no longer suffer from piled up fatigue and the risks of injury have significantly decreased.
Versatility and integration of all employees
Another key benefit of this solution is increased versatility of the teams. By suppressing physical constraint, the Picking Cobot has made it possible to broaden recruitment to people who, beforehand, were unsuited to these tasks, particularly women.
« We no longer require two collaborators to handle this kind of products. This solution enables us to develop versatility in an environment previously exclusively open to men. »
Christophe Sablonnières, operations manager U LOG
Apart from erasing physical constraint, our lifting solution stands out for its versatility and capacity to adapt to various applications :
An inclusive solution : promoting diversity at work
The Picking Cobot has also contributed to creating a more inclusive working environment. Thanks to the suppression of physical constraints, U LOG could include more diversity into its teams, by welcoming women in traditionnally men-reserved jobs. This initiative reflects a growing tendency in industrial sectors to promote an equitable working environment, in which physical abilities are not an obstacle anymore.
Impact on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and work related accidents (WRAs)
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the main causes of work sick leaves in logistics. The Picking Cobot reduces repetitive movements and intense efforts linked to heavy loads lifting, thus significantly reducing the cases of MSDs.*

Reducing accidents at work
Ergonomic solutions like the Picking Cobot participate in reducing work sick leaves (WRAs). Statistics reveal that the introduction of this type of tools can reduce handling accidents by 30 to 50%. At U LOG, this decrease results in a decline of incidents linked to household appliances handling.
The Picking Cobot : a lever for optimizing logistics performances
Besides improving working conditions, our MAP Cobot optimizes manufacturers’ overall performances. By reducing strenuousness of tasks, our ergonomic handling solution enables operators to work faster, without compromising their safety and well-being. Faster processes lead to a better operational yield.
Useful links to learn more
Discover other NEODITECH handling solutions
Visit our range of industrial handling devices